Well, we have a new dog in the neighborhood. We actually have a lot of dogs in the neighborhood and I know them all by name. Next door is Renaldo. He is a Wheaton terrior and he's a character. Renaldo's mom and I walk the dogs together every morning. Across the street is Tucker. I don't know what Tucker is but he is small and yellow and cute and old. He is friendly but kind of a loner. His mom and I carpool together for school. She is a sweetheart and I'm going to miss her daughter when she heads to college next year. Three doors down is Monty. He is an English Springer Spaniel. His Mom is in my weekly bible study. She is a neat lady and I'm enjoying getting to know her. Her son is in college and she's struggling with caring for her aging Mother. It's nice knowing people in all life stages. It gives a good view into the next season. She's handling it all beautifully. Which brings me to the new dog in town. Her name is Cassie and she's a cute little white fluff ball. Her owners brought her home just after Thanksgiving. They think she's a cross between a Bijon Frise and a Lhapso Apso. She's adorable. Her family has a daughter in middle school. The daughter just loves dogs and was always giving treats to my guys. I'm sure she's thrilled to have a dog of her own, but the dog's dad seems enamored as well. Funny how that happens! Anyway, to mark the occassion, I felt I needed to make a card. Sadly, I have yet to give it to them. I usually see the dad in the morning when he is bringing his daughter to the bus, but it's been so cold and snowy, they've been taking her to the bus in the car and I haven't bumped into him. This week - I WILL - get this card to them. Maybe I'll even walk it over and go to their door, rather than hoping for a chance encounter. The card uses a fun retired set from stampin up. The colors are soft suede and sahara sand with whisper white. I thought about adding some color to the dog and boot, but decided that for this one - less is more. Hopefully it will make it to it's destination early this week! Thanks for looking and enjoy!
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